Hung King and 30/4-1/5 Holidays schedule

Dear Valued Tenants,

First of all, Elite Business Center would like to thank you for your trust as well as your continued cooperation during the past time.

On behalf of Elite Business Center, I would like to inform you that according to the Labor Regulations of The Socialist Republic of Vietnam, Elite Business Center will have Hung King Commemoration Day – Liberation Day – International May Day schedule as follows:

  •  We will be off from Saturday (April 29th 2023) to Wednesday (May 03rd 2023).
  • We will return to normal work on Thursday (May 4th, 2023).

Thank you for your attention to this matter. Should you need any support please feel free to let us know.

Thanks & Best Regards!

THÔNG BÁO NGHỈ LỄ 30/04/2016 - 01/05/2016 - Sebas | CTCP LAVO


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